Marbling Art Bouquet
Three Carnations Dancing on Water
The bouquet of carnation ebru art, which is created when the fluidity of the water and the elegance of the carnation come together, is almost like a spring salute. Each carnation is crafted with masterful touches to the paint on the marbling craft, and the natural beauty of the flowers begins to dance on the water. The patterns formed when the marbling boat swings slightly give life to the bouquets and turn them into a realistic painting.
The most special aspect of bouquet carnation marbling art is that it combines the purity of nature and the elegance of art. The natural form and colors of the cloves are perfectly reflected on the marbling, while the fluency of the marbling pattern gives the bouquets a vivid look. These works are as if they depict a spring garden rising from the water.
Bouquet carnation marbles can be used not only as paintings, but also Show More